

The Interracial Royal Family of Monaco - Baron Christian Louis and Baroness Cécile de Massy

Dear Readers,

As you continue to celebrate the Royal Wedding of Kate and William, we'll continue to bring you some fun royal interracial and intercultural connections.

Allow us to introduce you to two members of the royal line of Monaco.

Baroness Cécile de Massy, born in the Caribbean country of Guadeloupe, is the fourth wife of Christian Louis, Baron de Massy, the only nephew of the late Prince Rainier of Monaco.

Baron de Massy was born to HSH Princess Antoinette of Monaco (elder sister of Rainier III) and her lover at the time Alexandre-Athenase Noghes. Although born out of wedlock, his birth was later legitimized by the Catholic Church (1951, when he was 3-years-old) when his parents married. Doing so put him in line of succession to the Monegasque throne. Something we're sure his children, Brice and Antoine, are thankful for. If they don't want to go the royal router, they can always follow in the charitable footstep of their mother.
Baroness is the founder and current president of the organization Ladies Lunch Monte-Carlo whose goal is to benefit children and adolescents.

Although Monaco and Guadeloupe are pretty recognizable, we're still including a brief country profile courtesy of the BBC.

Monaco Country Profile:

Monaco is the second-smallest independent state in the world. It is a playground for tourists and a haven for the wealthy, the former drawn by its climate and the beauty of its setting and the latter by its advantageous tax regime.
  • Full name: Principality of Monaco
  • Population: 31,000 (UN, 2010)
  • Capital: Monaco
  • Area: 1.95 sq km (0.75 sq mile)
  • Major language: French
  • Major religion: Christianity
  • Life expectancy: 75 years (men), 83 years (women)
  • Monetary unit: euro
  • Main exports: Pharmaceuticals, perfumes, clothing
  • GNI per capita: $203, 900 (World Bank, 2009)
  • Internet domain: .mc
  • International dialling code: +377
Guadeloupe Country Profile:

Known to its one-time Carib indian population as "karukera", or "island of beautiful waters", the French territory of Guadeloupe is a centre of Caribbean Creole culture. 
  • Territory: Guadeloupe
  • Status: Overseas department of France
  • Population: 445,000 (via UN, 2006)
  • Capital: Basse-Terre
  • Area: 1,705 sq km (658 sq miles)
  • Major languages: French (official), Creole dialect
  • Major religion: Christianity
  • Life expectancy: 75 years (men); 82 years (women) (UN)
  • Monetary unit: euro
  • Main exports: Bananas, sugar, rum, vanilla
  • GNI per capita: US$14,088 (UN, 2003)
  • Internet domain: .gp
  • International dialling code: +590


The Interracial Royal Wedding. Prince Maximilian and Princess Angela of Liechtenstein

Dear Readers,

Brace yourselves. There are royal weddings outside of England. Crazy! We know. Even more interesting to you and to us is the fact that one of those weddings was an interracial union. YEP! Someone fan us, please.

Please take a seat and learn more about this story.

Where else would a fashion designer of Afro-Panamanian descent and a European prince meet but in New York? Side note: oh how we love our city!

Anyway, once upon a time (see 1997) Angela Gisela Brown ans Prince Maximilian Nikolaus Maria of Liechtenstein met, dated (see ate a few meals, watched a few movies, maybe went to a bar or two), fell in love and decided to get married.

The wedding, which took place at Saint Vincent Ferrer Church in Manhattan on January, 29, 2000, was the entree of a splash of color into the European monarchy. 

Ms. Brown, who was born on Februrary 3, 1958 in Bocas del Toro Panama, is the daughter of Mr. Javier Francisco Brown and Mrs. Silvia Maritza Brown. Prince Maximilian, who was born on May 16, 1969, is the second son of  Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein and Marie, Princess of Liechtenstein.

The prince and princess are now the proud parents of this gorgeous little biracial boy who is no doubt also named Maximilian. Our German is a little rusty so we couldn't fully translate the caption on the picture.

For those of us (insert EIRIC™) who had ZERO clue where Liechtenstein was when we first heard about the love story in 2000, here is a brief profile of the country as reported by the BBC.

Liechtenstein Country Profile

The Principality of Liechtenstein is a tiny, landlocked country tucked away between Switzerland and Austria and with mountain slopes rising above the Rhine valley.
  • Full name: Principality of Liechtenstein
  • Population: 35,000 (UN, 2009)
  • Capital: Vaduz
  • Area: 160 sq km (61.8 sq miles)
  • Major language: German
  • Major religion: Christianity
  • Life expectancy: 75 years (men), 82 years (women)
  • Monetary unit: 1 Swiss franc = 100 centimes
  • Main exports: Machinery, dental products, foodstuffs, stamps
  • GNI per capita: $113, 210 (World Bank, 2008)
  • Internet domain: .li
  • International dialling code: +423