
About EIRIC™


Ten years ago, when I was a freshman in college, I became friends with a very diverse group of people. We were Haitian, Italian, Jewish, Guyanese, Chinese, among others. Our group represented just about every continent. I am still very close with them today.

Around this time, a question came to my mind, “Why were we one of the only interracial group of friends on campus?” This question led me to search the path of the mixed race world in general. While I tried internet searches for interracial groups, nine out of ten web pages I turned up were related to porn. Those that weren’t porn only focused on one or two interracial mixings, or were only about romantic couplings. None of the sites I found had a sense of humor on the topic.

So, the idea sprang to my mind, maybe there were others: who craved information on interracial groups, a comprehensive site that would cut the frustration and research time (not everyone is an insomniac who enjoys being up at 3am researching miscegenation statutes and the history of racial integration in America and beyond), and had a sense of humor on interracial groupings.

After years of intense research and preparation, we’re finally ready to give birth to EVERYTHING Interracial and Intercultural™ (EIRIC™).


EVERYTHING Interracial and Intercultural™ (EIRIC™) is designed to be the comprehensive catalog of services, resources and products for the multicultural community.

Under the logo Made in the World™ we create and distribute eco-conscious stationery and apparel. We also develop practical workshops regarding trans-racial adoption, multiracial identity development, multiracial relationship building, and positive self-esteem and body image. All of our products and services embody our motto “Because Interracial [enter word] doesn’t have to be so serious.”

We are governed by the following two scriptures: 1. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. (Matthew 5:16) and 2. Therefore, since God in his mercy has given us this new way, we never give up. We reject all shameful deeds and underhanded methods. We don't try to trick anyone or distort the word of God. We tell the truth before God, and all who are honest know this. (2 Corinthians 4:1&2)

We believe in making a profit to make a difference. As we are starting out, 2% of our profitable revenue will be used as donations to support Foster Care and Adoption, Education and Mentoring for social and economically disadvantaged youth, Sexual Assault Awareness and Education, as well as providing Entrepreneurial Opportunities for minorities. As we grow, our goal is to significantly increase the percentage donated.


We actively search for and work with printing companies that use environmentally-friendly methods to print our greeting cards and apparel. These methods can include water-based, soy and vegetable inks, 100% Wind Power for electricity needs, FSC certified and recycled papers, and chemical-free production process. We also actively search for and work with suppliers who can demonstrate fair labor practices.

Additionally, we package our products using recycled newspapers or foam peanuts, instead of bubble wrap, as padding. We also buy packaging boxes from as a way of obtaining inexpensive gently used recycled boxes.