
Press/Real People

We're tickled pink by any good things we hear or see about Made in The World™ - (EIRIC™)! 

We're especially tickled pink by seeing our products on the customers who enjoy them. If you have a picture of your adorable children wearing one of our onesies or tees, please email to be included on this page.

Also, if you are interested in featuring our site or any of our products on your blog, in your magazine, newspaper, on your web show, tv show, or even show us off to your mama  (as long as she feeds us!), please email

Thank you Ayanat Designs for featuring us in our first Etsy Treasury entitled Got the Blues? We feel honored to be included with such a talented group of sellers.

Thank you All Things Tangled for featuring us in our second Etsy Treasury entitled Black and White Make Grey't Treasury. Again, we're honored to be included with a talented group of sellers.

Real People:
We'd love to have you be the first! Please send your pictures to for consideration. Also send pics if you spot someone on the street rocking our products.