

Dark Girls: A documentary

Dear Readers,

Oooh goodness it's getting hot here in NYC. I'm looking forward to the summer, but not that beating noon-day sun. I remember once upon a time I used to avoid the sun like the plague. Not necessarily because I was afraid of aging prematurely (yet another thing I would have worried about had I known to worry about it), but because I feared getting any darker than I already was. Those of you who've been reading this blog know that I've posted once or twice on that topic. Take a look if you haven't already:

Twitter #teenagememories: praying for a bigger butt and lighter skin 
Black IS Beautiful. Psychology Today article, where's the science?

Today,@swirlmag shared a preview for an upcoming documentary entitled Dark Girls. Powerful words from sistas who've shared a common pain. I'm looking forward to seeing more of this documentary. I hope they also balance it with some of the experiences of our light skin sistas as it relates to this topic of light vs. dark in the black community. 



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